Masonic Village News
“Mr. Fix It” Makes Technology Look Easy
Allen Henninger has made quite a name for himself at Masonic Village at Dallas. Allen has been working with computers for 50 years. He knows how to take them apart, put them back together, program and update them. He has been helping other residents to problem solve for years, with everything from how to connect a printer to how to delete emails
What’s the Difference Between a 55+ Community and a CCRC?
Here is what you need to know about the differences between a 55+ community and a continuing care retirement community, so you can make the decision that is right for you.
Discovering Retirement in Dallas
For residents at Masonic Village at Dallas, discovering retirement in Dallas includes plenty to do on campus, like the Irem Clubhouse restaurant and pub for dining and special events, as well as the Irem Country Club for a round of golf; however, the fun doesn’t stop here.
Unexpectedly Beyond Expectations
Jerry, age 66, was ready to downsize and knew other people who were renting apartments at retirement communities, but he didn’t find anything he liked. Until he came to Masonic Village.
A Proper Dose of Compassion
It takes a specialized education, technical knowledge and a strong attention to detail to be a nurse anesthetist. It also takes a desire to help others. For more than 40 years, resident Barry Blannett used a mix of precise skills and a caring heart as a nurse anesthetist to aid thousands of patients, including many who were entering this world for the
Moving into a Senior Living Community: From Curiosity to Keys
It was two years and one month from the time the Kuczyinskis first put their name on the waiting list until they moved to Masonic Village. They spent those two years preparing for their upcoming move and have some advice for individuals preparing for a similar transition.